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About Us


Vision Statement 


To become an effective church, continually relevant to our members and the communities that we serve. To become a viable source for hope, information and resources in the community for salvation, information and physical and spiritual well-being. 


Our mission


Greater Hope Restoration Ministries is a center for worship, for knowledge, for helping people to find their purpose. We exist to train, to equip, and to send out those who are prepared to represent the kingdom and fulfill their life's mission to the maximum. We minister to the social, physical and spiritual needs of our members and the community and empower people to succeed in this life all the while preparing them for the life to come.


What We Believe


The Bible is God's unique revelation to people. It is the inspired, infallible Word of God, and the supreme and final authority on all matters upon which it teaches. No other writings are vested with such divine authority.


We believe in the Father, The Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit who is the one true, holy God, eternally existing in three persons each equally possessing all the attributes of deity and personality characteristics.


We believe in the divinity of Jesus, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His death as substitutionary atonement, His bodily resurrection, His ascension and His personal and visible return to earth.  


We believe in the indwelling and baptism of the third person in the trinity, the Holy Spirit who is active and at work in the life of the believer and who seals us unto the day of redemption.


The local church is a congregation of believers who gather for worship, prayer, instruction, encouragement, mutual accountability, and community with each other. Through it, believers invest time, energy, and resources to fulfill the Great Commission — reaching lost people and growing them into fully devoted followers of Christ.

Greater Hope Restoration Ministries strives to serve the communities in which we are centered around through providing impactful worship experiences, community outreach programs geared towards families and youth services.  

We believe in the feeding the poor, clothing the naked and visiting those who are imprisoned as the word of God commands. 

Why We Believe

  • We have witnessed the effects of the power of God through His word in the lives of those who have not only believed God's word, but have applied it to their hearts and throughout their everyday lives.   

  • We have watched the transformation that a renewed mind brings about as people's lives have evolved from hopelessness to purpose and meaning.  

  • We have seen the healing power of Jesus the Christ in people who were healed of physical, mental and emotional afflictions and shared their testimonies of healing in a public forum.   

  • We have experienced the power of devils being cast out by the authority and power of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

  • We have learned that God really does answer prayers as we have prayed for ways to help our communities and watched resources pour in as a response to the Lord hearing our cries for those in need.  

  • We have walked in the favor of God through open doors that have helped us to do meaningful ministry and not religious services. 

  • We have been influenced by the love of God as we have found His love to be real and alive and well at GHRM.   

  • And we have realized that it really is possible to have unity within the bonds of peace as we have worked together to become a family that is not perfect, but one that cares for the needs of one another.  





Who is the Pastor?  

     Pastor Cheryl Jones-Ross is a resident of the community and has been in ministry for over 30 years.  She founded and planted "GHRM" in 2014 in the Scott Township region of Southwestern Pennsylvania.  Pastor Cheryl has a heart for the lost and emphasizes outreach ministry as a tool to share the love of Christ.


Where is the church located? 

     GHRM is located at 1700 Bower Hill Road, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15243 on the corner of Bower Hill and Kane Blvd.  Parking for the church is in the back of the building. 


What are the Service times? 

      Worship Services are held every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. and ending around 1:00 p.m.  There is also a midweek bible group study held from 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. every Thursday evening in the table room of our church (lower level).  Children and Youth Group Meetings are also held at that time.  Please visit our home page for up to date information on small group studies and youth activities. 

How should I dress? There is no dress code at GHRM.  We want you to feel comfortable in your worship experience.  Our people will wear anything from a suit jacket to jeans, t-shirts , dresses, shorts and even sweat pants if they are feeling extra casual! 


What are the child care arrangements? 

     There are children's ministry services at GHRM provided in the nursery from 11:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.  All of our child care workers have gone through FBI and Childcare background checks.  We allow no one to work with children without current clearances which are conducted on a yearly basis.  The nursery is also available for diaper changing and crying children during service time.  Our child care providers will be happy to assist you with those needs.  


Is transportation available?

     There is bus service that stops directly at our front door through Port Authority.  We also have volunteers who are willing to help with transportation within a 5-10 mile radius from the church.   

For those traveling from downtown Pittsburgh:  The bus stops right in front of the church. 


  • Bus: Take 41 - Outbound-BOWER HILL TO BRIDGEVILLE - 38.00 mins : Bower Hill.

  • Walk: From BOWER HILL RD AT KANE BLVD to 1700 Bower Hill Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15243 - 0.50 mins.






Greater Hope Restoration Ministries
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Greater Hope Restoration Ministries, Inc.

is a non-profit 501c3 Ministry 

(412) 307-9899


"Pittsburgh non-denominational church"

Greater Hope Restoration Ministries does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.


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